Ariel Libbman, a full-time staff member at His Ranch, took this excellent picture with her phone camera! Thanks so much Ariel for sharing this AWESOME picture of Kitty and I in action! A big thanks to His Ranch and Shannon and Susan for letting me come out and share my trick horses and give me an opportunity to show in front of an audience. If you don't know what His Ranch is all about feel free to look them up on facebook or website They reach out to anyone-adults and children giving lessons, sharing the gospel and various other activities. As most of you know, God spoke to me and I would like to start a mini horse ministry of my own going to a few ranches like His Ranch or Summer camps to share the gospel through horseback riding and trick training manuevers.
This year has been a very HOT year and Taylor, Missouri was even hotter so I decided to stay 2 days instead of 4. I arrived Wed. morning and left Fri. morning, but I had a great time! It was a good 3 and a half hour truck and trailer drive for me, but hey, I got there all by myself! I admit I had one or two jumbles along the way, but nothing major like getting lost or popped tires or wrecks and stuff so God heard my prayers and your prayers so thanks for praying for me! I got to meet a ton of cool people, kids included of course!
I stayed at Shannon's parents house. The basement of their house is is where the full-time staff that are girls stay-the full-time boys stay, I think, at Shannon's brothers house. Anyway, I got to have a big room all to myself. They called the room where I stayed the Dungeon! This is a room that has no windows and has foam all over it so as not to hurt yourself! However since it stays dark 100% all day and all night if nobody turns the light on, I learned the hard way at night to have a flashlight handy while trying to find the bathroom in the dark. Otherwise you end up running into stuff like a couch or a chair or something-good thing those walls were foam! haha!
Since the heat and humidity was quite gross, riding lessons were done by noon while I was there. Thursday, a Princeville group volunteered to come out and clean the barns, water troughs, etc. Here was my opportunity to "show off" my horses tricks to a big crowd which is another reason that I wanted to go to His Ranch. I want my horses to be able to show off despite large groups of people. Kitty, my buckskin, is half-Arab and you could tell-she is not a crowd horse so I was not able to do all of her tricks since she had her own personal bubble going on, but I was able to show off most of her tricks so I was overall pleased with her performance. Missy, my grulla paint, went head to head with the crowd and was even willing to sign autographs! I was very pleased with her performance also! In fact, she was so relaxed at some points I could make mu lousy jokes. My only complaint was that the heat made her tire out faster than usual (this is my horse with respiratory problems, allergies, etc.) so I didn't even attempt any cantering stuff with her in my demo. Overall, I was pleased with me and my horses first performance in front of a crowd at a unusual place! Yes, I still have a lot to work on, but seems like we're on the right track! Hope to have more pictures as soon as I can get them! I forgot to hand someone my camera so I'm relying on my His Ranch friends or audience to sends me a few more! : )